Thursday, November 27, 2014

bharat swachata abhiyan

''हम सब महात्मा गांधी के स्वच्छ भारत के सपने को पूरा करें''

he wisdom quote by Father of nation Mahatma Gandhi “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet” has a deep meaning which was understood by the Indian prime minister Shri Narendra Modi who called nation’s public to contribute hole heartedly in the campaign started by him - Swachata Abhiyan in India. He asked everyone to fulfill Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of clean India – Swachh Bharat. The president also urged citizens of nation to make the cleanliness campaign a huge success.
Swachata Abhiyan in India is the biggest ever cleanliness drive organized by any Indian government. The cleanliness initiative by the PM and supported by the citizens made Swachata Abhiyan in India a success.
Swachata Bharat Abhiyan was launched on Gandhi Jayanti and both Prime Minister and President of India called upon every citizen of the country to make this a success. PM Narendra Modi participated in the cleanliness drive along with the workers of NDMC on 1st October, actively with great enthusiasm. All the states of the nation join hands as PM Modi launches country’s biggest cleanliness drive Swachata Abhiyan in India. The PM urged each citizen to devote 100 hours annually to the Swachata Bharat mission. The employees of different offices were asked to clean the surrounding and working premises. The famous Bollywood actor Amir Khan shared stage with the prime minister to launch the drive. Many school children, government officials and millions of citizen of different states and villages contributed in the campaign by picking brooms and dustbins making Swachata Abhiyan in India a huge success. The campaign gave message about cleanliness and make ordinary people aware of their role in keeping their surrounding clean along with their home. The nationwide campaign launched by the Prime Minister on Gandhi Jayanti aims to clean up India in coming five years. Many politicians came out to sweep streets and make country a clean place to live. Many politicians praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Swachh Bharat' campaign along with foreign countries.
The Prime Minister Modi on the 145th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi launched another new Yojana in the country - a massive campaign Clean India or Swatch Bharat. He called upon media and all celebrities to make campaign huge success by bringing awareness. The new Yojanas in India started by him like Clean India Pledge and Jan Dhan Yojna will sure bring change in our country.

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